Sunday, December 19, 2010


What a "Lame Duck Session" the House and Senate has had?  WOW!!

Who would have though that our representatives in Washington would "put their feet down" to conduct serious business on behalf of those who elected them?  Surprised, yes, no!  Well they did and what did they accomplish?

Bush Tax Cuts Compromise Plus

The White House compromised with GOP leaders to extend the Bush Tax Cuts for two years.  In return the White House secured an extension of  unemployment benefits for laid off workers, payroll tax cuts for all working people, and tax write offs for small businesses on investments made to expand their businesses. 

The President's deal caused much rumbling among Liberal members of his party but in spite of the dissatisfaction from Democrats the bill passed both the House and Senate with votes from members of both parties.

DADT (Don't Ask, Don't Tell)
A Law to repeal DADT was passed in the Senate, creating history in the USA.  The vote was 65 to 31.

The passage of this historic Senate vote sealed one of President Obama's major campaign promise thus giving him a great victory.

Getting to the finish line was a great hurdle but President Obama demonstrated great leadership and with the help from Independent Senator Joe Lieberman, Republican Senator Susan Collins from Maine, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, several other senators, and no doubt grassroots advocates who emailed and called their senators to get them to vote for the bill a significant campaign was accomplished.
Calling Person County Democrats to speak out on matters of interest or concern to us about our:
  • Community
  •  State
  • Nation
Let's share and learn from each other and the wider Diaspora so that we all can grow together.  There is a common saying that, Knowledge is power" so let us empower ourselves on all issues be it:
  • Economic
  • Education
  • Political
  • Religious
  • Social
Let us help each other to get the FACTS and TRUTH out for the good of each other, our community, our state, and nation.  The old saying, "It takes a village to raise a child" has been abandoned but with our economic as it is and from many reports not likely to rebound for years to come; we do need each other to be concerned about and to help each other.  "Unit is strength", another old proverb.  Together we can build each other up rather than this one pulling that one down, and vice versa. The bottom line is that we need each other on every front so let's exercise our fingers on the keyboards writing and sharing everything we learned that others can benefit from with each other right here on PC DEMS SPEAKS Blog.